United Against Segregation Via Redistricting Dear Editor, Thank you for shining a light on the troubling redistricting plan for Rockaway. Our peninsula’s voices must not be divided. It is important to note that the problem with the “Letters” plan was...
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American Ideals
National Politics
Ariola All the Way
Ariola All the Way Dear Editor, Two strong women are vying to become our next City Council rep (D32) but one of them, Felicia Singh, is wrong on policy and wrong for Rockaway. Safety, schools and prosperity are three vital issues for most Rockaway families. When...
The Facts About ADA Ramps
The Facts About “ADA” Ramps Dear Editor, Over the last several weeks, some statements regarding “ADA” beach access have become folklore – even though they are wrong. Here are two important clarifications: a) The law does not require ramps to get over...
Build Back Better is Rotten to the Core
Build Back Better is Rotten to the Core Dear Editor, The $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill is like a candy apple that is rotten to the core. It must be defeated and deleted. The bill is coated with sweet treats and promises such as universal...
Violence of the Politically Incompetent
The Violence of the Politically Incompetent Dear Editor, Sci-Fi titan Isaac Asimov wrote, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” In the world of 2021, fiction has become political reality. It is easy to point to the disgraceful...
Biden Seizing Low Ground
Seizing the Low Ground Dear Editor, For four years, we heard how President Trump was poisoning America via a large catalog of lies and the politics of division. Joe Biden promised to bring back honesty and cooperation in DC. He lied. President Biden has...
Lipstick on the COVID Pig
Rescue Us from Pork Dear Editor, While I agree with Bernadette O'Connor that the Federal government must continue to take bold action in response to the pandemic, President Biden’s $1.9 trillion boondoggle is not the solution. Indeed, calling it the American...
A Tale of Two Bidens
A Tale of Two Bidens Dear Editor, One of America’s enduring strengths has been our ability to unite in the face of tragedy or disaster. Great leaders inspire us to find the high ground together. President-elect Joe Biden rose to that challenge on January 6 and...
Election Integrity Matters
Election Integrity Matters Dear Editor, “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.” That’s a sports axiom that should have no place in politics – but does. And it certainly seems to be central in the debate about voting laws. President Trump...
Have Faith in Americans
Have Faith in Americans Dear Editor: Like David Roffe, I have enjoyed our lively exchange of ideas in The Wave. He and I can continue to disagree on the notion of America being a banana republic. We are not. This week is proving my point. We had an...
It’s About America, Not Trump
It’s About America, Not Trump Dear Editor: My compliments to David Walker and David Roffe for their response to my “Threat to Democracy” letter. Unfortunately, their disdain for President Trump runs so deep, they can’t see the point. As was stated by...
Big Media’s Assault on History
Big Media’s Assault on History Dear Editor, Many lament how the major news organizations have abandoned journalism and replaced it with dishonest activism. A more insidious threat comes from the entertainment industry with its less obvious assault on truth and...
Real Threat to American Democracy
The Real Threat to American Democracy Dear Editor: Donald Trump, the man, may represent the worst of America and the refusal of President Trump to honor an orderly transition of power may be an egregious affront to our traditions but Trump is not the greatest...
Elections – The Question Is How Stupid Are We
On Elections - The Question Is: How Stupid Are We? Dear Editor, With November 3 just weeks away, it seems that actors both at home and abroad are setting the stage for the United States to unravel after the election. They will succeed only if we Americans truly...
In Defense of Tom Jefferson
In Defense of Tom Jefferson Dear Editor, I compliment you for defending history last week. There is a misguided effort in our country and this city to remove the likeness of from Thomas Jefferson from the public square. This effort contorts...
On Race: American Ideals Still Matter
Dear Editor, On Race – American Ideals Still Matter Truth, Justice and the American Way. We recognize these words as Superman’s tagline but our country does not need heroes right now; we need good, everyday people to stand up for our ideals. Let’s take...
COVID – Don’t Lock Us Down This Summer
COVID - Don’t Lock Us Down This Summer Dear Editor, I am not a scientist and I don’t play one on TV but I’d like to present a fact-based hypothesis for keeping the beaches open this summer. Consider these relevant facts: Dr. Fauci: COVID-19 is not...
Time to Deflate the Defund Movement
Dear Editor, Time to Deflate the Defund Movement The recent letter to Wave by Alex Jacobs demonstrates how hollow the Defund the Police movement is. It is time to face the facts: Drastic reductions to law enforcement will increase crime, violence and...
Ugly Racial Stupidity
Ugly Racial Stupidity Lives On Dear Editor, While we all hope life gets back to normal soon, there are some parts of “normal” that I can live without. For example, the ugly racial incidents that occurred in Georgia and Indiana last week. In Georgia, two...
DC is Horse Trading With Our Lives
DC is Horse Trading With Our Lives I hope that by time you read this, Congress will have extended the Payroll Protection Program. Regardless, the PPP debacle is more proof that Congressional leadership needs to ride off into the sunset. Last week, with the...
COVID – Plan Vs. Reality
COVID - Plan Vs. Reality Dear Editor, Thank you for challenging the decision-making of government leaders in last week’s editorial. I hate to second guess in the middle of a crisis but the inability of our local leaders to adapt to the realities on the...
Ideology And Ignorance Versus Intelligence
Ideology And Ignorance Versus Intelligence Dear Editor: Two weeks ago, The Wave reported on how the safety of Rockaway students will be compromised by the City’s willful ignorance. Last week, the DOE added ideology to its assault against our kids. During...
Breaking Rockaway Even More
Breaking Rockaway Even More Dear Editor, There is a lot to dislike about the Bus Network Redesign for Rockaway. It doesn’t only worsen service; it further fragments our community. While the loss of the Q53 would be the greatest blow to travelers, I think...
2020: Another Bad Election Year
2020: Another Bad Election Year? Dear Editor: 2016 offered Americans the worst two candidates for President ever. Until now, 2020 hasn’t looked much better. It’s not that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Beto O’Rourke are as corrupt, immoral or unethical as...
The Weakest Link
The Weakest Link At the Oct. 8 meeting of Community Board 14’s Parks and Public Safety Committee, Dan Falt of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) said the plans for protection of the peninsula’s oceanside will be between Beach 9th Street and Beach 149th Streets....
Letter to Misdirected Revolutionaries
Letter to Misdirected Revolutionaries Hello Rockaway Revolutionaries, My name is Paul King. If you have read my letters to the editor in the Wave, you know that I live in a different part of the multiverse, though I hope we can find some common ground. I started a...
On Civics: The House Divided
The House Divided Dear Editor: I read Milan Taylor’s thoughtful letter in last week’s Wave with great interest and, ultimately, great disappointment. By force-fitting racial animus into the Edgemere discussion, he is wrong on the facts, wrong on the mechanics of...
It Wasn’t the Russians – Hillary Lost!
It Wasn’t the Russians- Hillary Lost! Dear Editor: In last week’s Letters, Joan Mettler was right to say it is inappropriate to gloat over the Mueller report’s conclusions but she then proceeded to demonstrate the “collusion delusion” Harold Paez wrote about a...
What Privilege Looks Like
What Privilege Looks Like Dear Editor: The word “privilege” has been overused and abused in recent years. Thanks to Jussie Smollett, Lori Laughlin and others, we got to see what social privilege looks like in the real world. Everyone in Chicago’s law...
Democracy Dies in Daylight
Democracy Dies in Daylight Dear Editor: With due respect to the Washington Post’s tagline, City Hall doesn’t need darkness to kill democracy in NYC; they trample citizens’ rights in broad daylight. The homeless shelter the de Blasio administration is...
Politicians and Not-For Profit Corruption
Politicians and Not-For Profit Corruption Dear Editor: I wish I could say I was shocked by The Wave’s lead story last week but not-for-profit scams are all too common, especially among organizations that claim to serve our country’s most disadvantaged...
It’s Not Us Against Them
It's Not Us Against Them Dear Editor: I was happy to read about Far Rockaway’s new library but disappointed by the accompanying, divisive “Quote of the Week” from Councilman Richards. What divides the two Rockaways he speaks of? East vs. west? Black vs....
Capitalism and Gentrification
Capitalism and Gentrification Dear Editor: I commend Senator Sanders for his column on “gentrification” in last week’s Wave but suggest that his remedies fall a step short. Gentrification and its close cousin, community displacement, affect everyone. ...
Tom Hanks Is Right
Tom Hanks Is Right Dear Editor: Last week, Sandra J. Smith respectfully rejected my call to give President Trump a chance…because she doesn’t respect Donald Trump. There is probably a lot that Sandra and I agree on when it comes to Donald Trump, the...
Journalism Is Dead
Journalism Is Dead Dear Editor: As a young boy in the 1970s, I wanted to be a professional baseball player or an astronaut. They were my heroes. By the time college rolled around, I knew I wasn’t headed to the Mets or to NASA. My new goal was to become a...
One Nation Under Trump
One Nation Under Trump Dear Editor: As a Republican, I had the opportunity to vote for Donald Trump twice in 2016. Both times I opposed him. Now, since he took the oath of office last Friday, Donald Trump is my President… and every American’s president. Let’s...
Don’t Give Up On MLK’s Dream
Don't Give Up On MLK's Dream Dear Editor I was disheartened to read Ilyasha Shiver’s column last week. In the “Dream” speech Ilyasha referenced, Dr. King said, “We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of...
Weaponizing “Racism”
Weaponizing "Racism" Dear Editor: I read a rather astounding opinion piece in the New York Times recently that claimed white people are trying to pretend racism doesn’t exist by redefining the word such that almost no one can be a racist. I found this claim...
Lies and Lives Matter
Lies and Lives Matter Dear Editor: Last week saw another black citizen shot by police in unclear circumstances. It also saw a riot break out thanks to lies spread across the internet. The result was tear gas, looting and more blood on the streets of...
BLM – Radical Politics or Grassroots Justice
BLM - Radical Politics or Grassroots Justice Dear Editor: It was very much in keeping with his big picture approach that Ilyassha Shivers called for dialogue in last week’s column. However, after reading the Black Lives Matter “platform,” it seems to me the only...
Black and White, We Are In This Together
Black and White, We Are In This Together Ilyassha Shivers’ column in last week’s Wave was outstanding because it underscores how there are no simple answers to the issues of race, gun violence, proper policing and lack of opportunity. The only simple truism is that...
Parking Spot Among Racists
Parking Spot Among Racists Dear Editor: After reading last week’s letter by Steven Johnson, I could not help but wonder why he wants a parking spot in Rockaway so badly since he has such a poor opinion of the people who live here. Mr. Johnson is a...
Chris Christie Exposed Himself
Chris Christie Exposed Himself Dear Editor: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stuck it to Marco Rubio last week by endorsing Donald Trump. Unfortunately, he also stuck it to the nation and the party he purports to love. In doing so, Gov. Christie showed us just...
Eric Garner Lessons To Be Learned
Eric Garner Lessons To Be Learned Dear Editor: I appreciate Ilyassha Shivers’ frustration with the grand jury’s decision in the Eric Garner case. Unlike Ferguson, where rumors outnumbered facts, we had clear video from Staten Island of an unarmed man dying...
Automated Taxation
Automated Taxation Dear Editor: The new speed trap camera, installed just yards from our doomed ferry port, is the perfect manifestation of the de Blasio administration’s attitude toward Rockaway. They cannot be bothered to find a way to save our vital link to...
Stop & Frisk: It’s About Our Rights
Stop & Frisk: It's About Our Rights Dear Editor: A few months ago, my friend Jimmy was walking at night in an area of Rockaway “close to” where drug deals have been known to happen. He took a shortcut through an alley and found the police waiting for him at...
Sandy: One Year Later
Dear Editor: Sandy: One Year Later Do you remember where you were one year ago, the third day after Sandy? Most of us were hard at work digging out. We were also banding together to get supplies, share the workload, organize nighttime watches and...
Justice for Trayvon
Justice for Trayvon To The Editor: Over the last few weeks, there have been more than 100 “Justice for Trayvon” rallies. What should justice look like in this case? On the surface, it seems straightforward from his parent’s perspective. They...
Trayvon Martin, Impossible Justice
Trayvon Martin, Impossible Justice To the Editor: I’d like to compliment Ilyassha Shivers for overcoming his concerns and addressing the Zimmerman trial in last week’s Wave. I agree with Mr. Shivers that the trial was destined from the start to be a...
Protection at What Price
Protection at What Price Dear Editor: It’s a given that after Sandy, our community will need to make some lifestyle sacrifices to improve protection against the next big storm. But after listening to a presentation about the dune forests that will be tested in...
Dishonors Political Process – Romney vs Obama
Dishonors Political Process - Romney vs Obama Dear Editor, The Wave was absolutely right to encourage us to honor the political process by casting an informed vote this November. Two sentences later, it dishonored that process with a shallow and deceitful...
Another Obamacare Pitfall
Another Obamacare Pitfall Dear Editor, President Obama promised that his healthcare reforms would require a big upfront investment but the return would be lower costs, higher quality, more workers covered and your choice of insurance provider. As a small business...
Abortion It’s Not About Women’s Health
Abortion Its Not About Women's Health Dear Editor, Over the last few decades, certain hot-button issues (abortion, gun control, etc.) have driven otherwise reasonable people to espouse illogical and divisive arguments. Joan Mettler’s rambling letter on “Women’s...
Partisanship Gone Amok
Partisanship Gone Amok Dear Editor, I would not bother responding to Jean Jenkins rant in last week’s Wave except that it exemplifies what is wrong with our political system: partisanship gone amok. When extremists like Ms. Jenkins characterize...
Obamacare: It’s All About The Money
Obamacare: It's All About The Money Dear Editor, Brian Palast’s letter vilifying Republicans in last week’s Wave inadvertently demonstrated the kind of thinking that is sinking the left. First, Mr. Palast is weak on the facts. The Obamacare law isn’t about...
Precinct Captain Must Go
Precinct Captain Must Go To the Editor: I’d like to thank Captain Talamo for demonstrating in last week’s Wave that he is unfit to lead the 100 Precinct. More than anything else, leadership demands integrity. Talamo’s assertion that the citizens of Beach...